It's Still Easter
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  • Writer's pictureJill Jarrell Newsome

It's Still Easter

What a wonderful Easter Sunday we had. There was excitement in the air and the Holy Spirit blowing through! The greatest part were the hands and hearts that were lifted to Jesus, ready to make Him their Lord and Savior! The service may be over, the flowers gone from the cross and our Easter decor put away but Easter has just begun! Plants and trees that have been dormant for winter are coming back to life. We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus at this time of new life and rebirth!

I cannot imagine the lack of hope and fear that the disciples felt after the crucifixion when they experienced the empty tomb. John 20: 19,22,Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you!...As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.’ And with that he breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’.” Jesus comes to be with them to give them peace in place of their fear. He showed them His scars and breathed His breath on them and said, receive the Holy Spirit and go out into the world where I send you.

In the next chapter, like us, the disciples were back to business. John 21: 3, “So they went out and got into the boat…” As we go back to our “before Easter” schedule (work, school, meetings, taking care of the kids, ball practice, extracurricular activities, etc) think about what Jesus said. Easter is not over. It is not a holiday that goes up on the shelf with the wreath for next year! It is time to follow Jesus! It is about the fact that He is victorious and triumphant! As we said at church, “He is risen! He is risen indeed!”

Easter morning is the beginning of the story. Are we going to become one of Jesus’ disciples or are we going back to our old daily life? Are you lying dormant or are you ready to spring forth with new growth and be an Easter people?!


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