Most of us have a happy place where we feel blessed and grateful when we are there. Mine is the beach. You may live near a river, a pond, a lake, mountains, farmland, woods, a state park or wherever you find your happy place. What I believe is that God speaks to us through His creation in the most tangible ways.
Genesis 3: 8, "And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden." Adam and Eve heard the sound of the Lord. Maybe it was the rustling of the leaves, footsteps, I don't know. They also knew they were in the presence of the Lord. Whatever the noise, it was audible, allowing them to know He was there. When I am in creation, I, also, hear the sound of the Lord when I hear the birds sing, the waves crash, a babbling creek, the breeze rustling through the trees. When I see His beautiful creation I believe I am in the presence of the Lord. I can hear God telling me, "walk with me in the garden (or on the beach) and spend time with me. Rest with me."
This promise still stands and God wants us to be obedient. I am preaching to myself. I have always felt guilty to just sit and do nothing on Sunday afternoons. But this past year I have really worked at this and I have to say, it is refreshing. I try to purposefully sit outside and be quiet in His presence. In the mornings when I wake up I stay quiet, with no noise, and rest in His presence. God gives us this time to leave our worldly worries behind and get a deep rest blessed by God Himself. It is a rest that resets our hearts and minds in which we can rejoice! It helps us to maintain our spiritual health.
Is God saying to you, "walk with me in the garden (or your favorite place) and spend time with me. Rest with me.” Hebrews 4: 11, “Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest…”