I am overwhelmed with gratefulness for this time away with my family. We have had so much fun just being together and laughing. Yesterday we were to hike the Acadia National park and it rained all day so we were going bowling. As soon as we got up we gathered around the kitchen table and stayed there til we went to bed. We never made it bowling. We ate, talked, played games, listened to music - the guys went to get us lunch and cooked supper. Because we got here on a Wednesday I have not known what day it is til I realized I posted blogs on Friday and Saturday. Everyone has been so present. When I am having fun I don't have time to post pictures and sometimes forget to take them!
One of the things I take away from this vacation is 1 John 3: 1, "See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" The love between a husband and wife gives a glimpse of Christ's love for His bride - the church. The ups and downs of parenthood remind us of God’s tenderness and patience toward us as His children. I am so appreciative of the time my kids make for Mike and I and I know that is how God feels when I make time for Him. There are times that I am bursting with pride and times I am worry about them and I believe God has been proud of me and disappointed in me. I know I have broken His heart. No matter what, I love my girls unconditionally, like God loves me! Jeremiah 31: 3, "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness."
Families should be a place where people can feel love, learn how to love, and get support and advice. Home should be a safe haven and this is not always the case but sometimes our family is not blood related. Jesus was born into a family with a earthly mom and dad to model what it means to honor parents and to benefit from their love and guidance. Luke 2: 52, "And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man." Anything we experience, Jesus has experienced and understands.