We all have someone in our life that is hard to get along with. Everyone walks on egg shells when they are around. Often times there is no "talking things out" with these situations.
Years ago I went through a time that someone did not speak to me and I did not know why. I was pregnant with my first child and they did not even acknowledge. It really hurt but after a lifetime I knew that there would be no discussing. God brought to mind that I could write a letter of love. Ugh! But I did. I told them that I was sorry for whatever I had done to upset them. If they wanted to talk we could. I admitted they were probably right, if we were not family we would not be friends, BUT, we are family so I will always be there for them. I love them because we are family. If they ever need anything I am here. I put the letter in the mail and let it go. A few months later and I got a birthday call (first and last) from this person. It was as if nothing ever happened.
Fast forward 26 years and I have been "cut off" numerous times. Honestly I am not into high maintenance so I can not say at this point that I want a relationship. I want a different relationship. I want it to be different and I do not think that is going to happen. But I do want to keep the lines of communication open. If something were to happen to that person I want to know I did my part. I do not want to have guilt! And most of all I want to be obedient to God. After doing "the right thing" there is a peace that you have even if the relationship is not, or ever will be, what you want. A peace that I know comes from God. I pray for this person regularly and that keeps me from being mad which I also believe is a gift from God.
Luke 15: 11 we read about the Prodigal Son. It shows us that God is always our loving Father and He always wants us back no matter how terrible we are. Samuel 14, is the tragic story of David and Absalom (father and son). They have been separated by violence, guilt, and betrayal. After years of neither side fighting for their relationship Absalom was murdered.
2 Samuel 18: 33, "The king was shaken. He went up to the room over the gateway and wept. As he went, he said: 'O my son Absalom! My son, my son Absalom! If only I had died instead of you—O Absalom, my son, my son!'” I can only imagine the anguished cries from the father's broken heart. This proved that there was a gaping hole left in David's heart for his son. This could have been avoided if they could have reconciled. God desires for us to have discipline and submit ourselves to others. Romans 12: 10, "Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves."
Is there a relationship that needs reconciliation in your life? Maybe it is time to have an honest conversation with God. Human life is precious because it is fleeting. Relationships are precious; more precious than pride.
There is no relationship more important, more transforming, more fulfilling, than our relationship with God. Has God been luring you back to him? Maybe it is time to reconcile with Him. This time when he reaches for you, take His hand. It will be the most important decision you ever make! And it will be a decision that you will never ever regret!