I just found this blog that I had never sent. This was when we sold our house over a year ago. I love seeing how God has worked since then!
As I went upstairs one last time I got chills! Nine years ago that day I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had just finished my chemo and surgery and was starting radiation. Living on the water, we had a lot of upkeep, lots of stairs and a huge yard. It had been a dream of mine to live there since I was a little girl but it was time to break camp. In this season, we wanted a more simple life. I had been thanking God for the perfect house at the perfect time. I found this house in a neighborhood with tiny yards that had been a relative's land years before. I love those kinds of signs. I saw one being built by a builder/friend who had custom built a home for us before. This was not his typical neighborhood and the houses here had been built ten years before. The realtor told me this house had been taken off of the market three months ago. I called the builder and it was determined that it was a "computer glitch" but we know it was God saving it for us. Jeremiah 32: 27, "I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?"
My doctors had been very honest and we did not know if I would get to spend time in this house. Mike and I talked about the fact that he might live in this house alone. Moving into a new place, picking out floors, carpet and paint was a good distraction. I loved planning for the future in this house. I had thought a lot about my eternal future. I knew where I was going and I would be ok but I was fighting for my family. They had lost two grandparents that year and another diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma. Five years would be a miracle! Chills again! I shed tears of gratefulness for health, tears for each day that has been a gift and the hard times that made me grow.
Life goes on and God gives it abundantly. John 10: 10, "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." Thank You, God, for letting me have more time to do ministry with you. As I walk out the door, I thank God for the love, laughter, memories and faith of that season. Thankful to look back on all the blessings and thankful to be moving forward! He goes with us as we move into a new season. Thanks be to God!