"I'm gonna let Jesus fix it. If I fix it, I'm going to jail." I think if we are all honest we have felt this way. We all have hurts and hang ups and these hang ups may be different than someone else's and they can get us hung up at times. As Christians, we still can't keep it together. All people are or have been broken but not everyone will admit it. We seem to forget that we desperately need a Savior!
If we act like we have it all together we feel better about ourselves! I am learning that it is okay to be broken. When I can admit I am broken I get past my stubbornness, my pride, my control and look to God. Psalm 55: 22, "Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken."
I have been dealing with a situation that I cannot fix. I think my hope was in a happy ending but I don't think that will be possible. God did not cause the heartache but He can give me more than that person took away. He transforms our suffering into strength and strength into perseverance. Our faith grows each time we go through these times. We quit focusing on our suffering and focus on how God is sustaining us.
Maybe your "fix it" project is for a loved one. Sometimes we have let loved ones make their own decisions, even if those decisions are not the best. We have to realize that our clinging to control does not bring us peace or hope. We need to let God take care of our projects. Romans 12: 19, "Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay,' says the Lord." We have to be willing to forgive. If we don't forgive, bitterness will eat us up on the inside and our hearts will harden.
"Broken things can become blessed things if you let God do the mending!"