When my first child, Sarah, was born, I remember thinking, please God, don’t let anything bad ever happen to her. It would be a while before I matured in my Christian faith and realized that not only was that not going to happen but it was not a good idea. I am thankful we don’t always see the tough times coming. I had to learn that I was not her protector and believe it or not there was Someone Who loved her more than I! God is her Protector and loves her even more than I!
I wrote a blog called, "A Complete Failure" after hearing a speaker say, "you CAN’T be a complete failure when you know failure completes you.” Here is where my toes were really stepped on. We need to let our children experience failures! We tend to think our role is to prevent adversity in their lives. Even with these best intentions we do so much damage! Just like us, our kids will learn from failure and struggles.
I thank God for my hard times that make me grow and now I thank Him for the tough times that mature my girls in Him. Why? Things are going to happen. John 16: 33, "I have told you these things so you may have peace in Me. In the world you will have much trouble. But take hope! I have power over the world!" And we CAN'T be a complete failure when we know failure completes us! I began thanking God for the hard times that make my girls grow in Him and that was tough! My prayer will not cause more things to happen, it will just cause more positive things to happen when those hard times come. We just have to trust God.