I saw this post, "The class reunion has been postponed another year....everyone is still trying to lose ten pounds." I laughed but this applies true to so many people. I know people miss for a variety of reasons but I read one of the main reasons people do not attend their reunions is because they do not feel they are in a place impressive enough to show off to others.
So many people feel like they are not good enough, successful enough, attractive enough, educated enough and the list goes on. My husband took me shopping and wanted me to buy something fun and new for the reunion. I did and then I got put off with myself and wore an old dress - but kept the new one! I thought, why am I doing this? I am who I am! I am healthy and happy but first I am a child of God! I am His princess! I am who He says I am!
We get our worth and value from what God says about us, not what society says! We are not who other's say we are. We are not a total of our past failures. Nor are we the total of our assets! When we accept Jesus, we are a new creation but just because we are spiritually new doesn’t mean that our old memories of who we used to be don't haunt us. We have to ask God to renew our minds so we can BELIEVE what He says about us. 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20, "...You are not your own; you were bought at a price..." We are valuable because we belong to God and He bought us for a very high price! We are His beloved!
Most of us need to ask God to take some lie from us, a lie that tells us that we are not good enough. Let's ask God to change our heart to one that knows we are good enough JUST because of Jesus! Ask God to open our eyes to see His Truth! Ask Him to not only uncover but get rid of the lies. Ask Him to empty us of the lies and fill us up with His Truth! Remember, we are who He says we are! Just because of Jesus! You are loved. You are worthy!