I heard the term, "for God so hugged the world." I love that and it got me thinking. It was so wonderful when my girls were little and they were hurt or sad and I could fix it all with a kiss and a hug! They knew they were safe with me and trusted me to take care of everything.
When we are trying to do it all ourselves we will experience emotional and spiritual fatigue. This happens because we were not created to do this, we were made to lean on God. When we sit with Him and let Him hug us we are content and confident that we are where we need to be....in His presence. We will never be too old to climb up in our Heavenly Father's lap. I visualize me sitting on God's lap and Him wrapping His arms around me and it helps.
When we trust God to take care of our lives and trust that He knows best, we are able to rest and ultimately experience peace. Psalm 46: 10, "He says, 'Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.'” This can be difficult when life is tough but if we choose to let God hold us, we will find, peace, rest, contentment and love filling us up! God holds the whole world in His hands — that includes us. Jeremiah 29: 13, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." When was the last time you crawled up on your Heavenly Father's lap and felt His arms wrap around you? His hugs can fix everything!