John 16: 33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” It feels like I have typed this verse a lot lately but it is needed again today! I wrote it on a piece of construction paper and taped it to my refrigerator moments ago.
I am flying out to Portland, Or today to see my daughter. It is not a fun visit although we will have fun. I have to be there on Wednesday and I am supposed to fly back Thursday. Well, Thursday is looking doubtful! Mike has to be at the hospital Monday or Tuesday for his procedure. I am praying I get back by Monday!
I find myself, again, needing to be two places at one time! We all know that is impossible and so why do we even think about it? Where is my faith? Only One can be everywhere at the same time and that is God! He will be here with my family and He will go with me and He will be with Sarah! What more could I need?
These are the times we thank Him because we are growing. Yes, it is an inconvenience! Yes, it is hard not knowing what to expect with the storm. But, it is just another storm of life. We will continue to pray that it will turn, slow down, etc. But if not, I pray for clarity and wisdom for my family to stay safe.
Not being here is hard because I won't be in control of getting my "things." Last night I made a list of the important stuff if Mike decided to evacuate. You would be surprised to see the short list. When it comes down to it, it is just stuff. Last night after a stressful evening, I laid in the bed and thought what is the worse that could happen. As long as everyone is safe, I could lose my house. Well, I really don't like clutter and that we be a quick clean out! Now, I am not making light of a hurricane. I am really trying to put things in perspective before I leave. And I feel much better!
For those of us in the path of Florence we have to be smart and prepare. But after that, for ALL of us, remember the saying, "Good morning. This is God. I will be handling all of your problems today. I will not need your help, so have a miraculous day." When the negative thoughts and worries creep in, say, out loud, "I trust you God!" He will never leave us or forsake us! We are His beloved. We are His children! He's got this!