Dear Lord,
I love You and adore You! I come to You on Christmas morning bowing before the King of Kings! I thank You for the wonder of Christmas that surrounds us! Let the joy of this miracle birth of Jesus renew our spirit with special joy!
Please help my family and I to remember the true meaning of Christmas — the celebration of your Son’s birth. Jesus' birth transformed the world and I ask that you help us remember what His birth and life truly mean this holiday season. Thank you for sending Jesus into the world to save me from my sins. Please don’t let us get distracted by gift-giving, shopping, parties, cooking and other traditions. Help us to keep our focus on Jesus.
Thank you, Lord, for all of the blessings that You have poured over my family at I. We are especially grateful this time of year as we reflect on Your provision and Your love and guidance.
I ask that You would bless my family this Christmas and continue helping us find our will in Your will. I pray for blessings for the rest of the Christmas season and in the new year ahead. Please prepare our hearts for what's to come in the new year. I ask for Your love to permeate our lives. Help us to keep focus on what is right and good. Please protect us throughout this holiday season and please protect each person as we travel to be together. Thank You for bringing us all together safely. We do not get to see each other often enough, and it feels like a miracle to have us all together and we thank You for making that happen whether by work schedules or finances. All good things come from You!
Please bless this time that we spend together. Please bring peace and love to our discussions. I pray for peace in my family. I pray that love would transcend any and all difficult dynamics that could arise. Please help me to see others through Your eyes. Guide my words and actions so that I may be a good witness for You.
Thank You, God, for my friends both near and far. Those I have met and those that study Your Word with me through this blog. I pray blessings of peace and joy on them and their families. I pray Your comfort, peace and joy on those who are having a difficult Christmas. Help us to remember that we are never alone! Help us to look up, not in. For those of who have not accepted the gift of the Christ child, that is so freely given, I pray that they will make the best decision they have ever made this Christmas.
Thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness and love. In the precious name of Jesus I pray, Amen.”
Merry Christmas friends and family!