There is a nativity scene outside of our Christian Life Center for the many preschool children to enjoy and those coming and going from our contemporary service. One morning a little girl was enjoying the nativity scene that was eye level. Her mother told her it was time to go and took her hand to lead her away. The little girl, visibly upset, said loudly, “I just want to see Jesus!” Out of the mouths of babes and through the eyes of a child! We can learn a lot from that little girl. Maybe that is why Jesus told us to be like children. Matthew 18:3, “...and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Our pastor has been talking to us about wonder. Advent is a time of waiting and of hoping. It is a time in which we get ready for the celebration of Christmas. We prepare our hearts and our homes. Many of us seem to stop at preparing our homes - the tree, the gifts, the decorations, the parties, the food, etc. But we are to prepare our hearts also. We prepare to receive God’s gift of Jesus. Through Jesus we have hope. Jesus brings us peace, love and joy. Our Scripture verse that day was Psalm 29: 2, “Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name; Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.” The wonder and awe of Christmas is just the beginning. Christmas reminds us that baby Jesus has given us purpose for living. What happens next depends on how we embrace our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Psalm 29: 2 tells me what we are to do, to whom we are to do it and how we are to do it. Jesus requires us to give back to Him. We are to give unto the Lord the glory due His name. Wow! That takes our mind and heart to ascribe honor to Him. We must make a conscious effort to recognize the vast difference between God and ourselves. If our view of God is a high one then we will be kept humble knowing we are the lowly ones. We are to worship Him. We should be at church every Sunday, if we are physically able, to give Him our best worship. That should be our top priority. The failure to worship God is one of the greatest possible losses that a person can sustain in this life. And we are not to just worship but “worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.” After spending some time on this verse I think it means for us to delight ourselves in God. When we come to church, His house, we make a deliberate and conscious effort to set our hearts and minds in adoration of Him. We pour our hearts to God in our singing. When we do this we find that we are delighting ourselves in the Lord! We are delighting ourselves in His greatness and His goodness!
Someone told me recently that they do not like to go to church because they are afraid of crying. God made tears! I used to be embarrassed by them but I think the tears come from mercy and gratefulness. By the blood of God’s own precious Son, He cleansed us as unworthy as we are. The tears come from the realization of the goodness from which we do not deserve.
Don’t we want to just see Jesus? Well, the good news is, He is Here and all around us. But we must be like a child and want to see Him. The wonder of Christmas is that the God Who lived with us can now live within us! Let’s be like the little children and light up when we talk about Christmas! Let’s expect great things like children do. Let’s look for Jesus!
May you see the wonder and the awe this Christmas season, whether in a meal going to someone hungry, worship, candlelight service, musical, singing a Christmas carol or gathering with family and friends. May your heart be refreshed in the joy and wonder of this special season!