Our words are so powerful! When I was sick I tried to speak victory out loud even when I did not feel like it. I believe we speak out loud so we hear what we are saying! That is speaking victory over ourselves. Proverbs 18: 21 tells us how powerful words are! "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." When you speak defeat, you cancel out your blessings and favor. Let's not be snared by our own words! There is victory and there is defeat, and you get to choose.
Go ahead and thank God for what you are claiming. I did this about a job for three years and He brought it at the perfect time. I have done this with the sale and purchase of a house. The latest thing has been thanking God for five years was for bringing me a ministry! I went ahead and claimed victory that these things would happen - in His timing and they did. I spoke victory even when others told me it would never work out. I didn't understand the timing until I could see the whole picture and every time His ways are better! Prophesy victory and build your faith! Your problems may be big but your God is bigger. Speak that! Don't speak negative over your life. Sometimes we are like the Israelites, who didn't take the shortest route, and complained that God was silent. I have felt that way but that is when God was working on me. He was preparing me for what was coming.
When you are talking to others face to face, on phone, texting or on social media, remember our words are powerful. Our words have consequences. Are your words a weapon or are they powerful? Our words are powerful and they have consequences. Think before you speak, text, post, etc.