Someone asked me yesterday why I write blogs and how I can write so many. First and foremost God gives me the words and I believe He told me to do this in April of 2018. Mark 16: 15, "He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." Also I want a better life for others.
I have lived a life that I was not always proud of. I have lived a selfish life, doing things my way and making bad decisions. But I do not have to carry guilt because Jesus washed me clean. When we repent and accept Jesus, He forgives, and forgets, our sins. Hebrews 8: 12, "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more." I was grown before I realized there was a better way. At 32, I decided to give myself to God 100%. Do I fight, argue, whine, get mad with God? You bet! I am still the little kid and Him the Father! I will never get where I need to be but I can move in that direction. I want that for other's.
I made this commitment to God and will never be able to write enough about how I love doing life with Him! He, constantly, brings me things to write about whether it is something I am going through, a song, a sign, nature, etc. I hear God a lot in the middle of the night when I am quiet and still and get up to write. I want others to find their will in God's will. I want them to continue to grow in their relationship with God. I want them to look for blessings every day and thank God. I want them to know they are loved, forgiven and are His beloved!
I thought I would bless others but God knew I needed to be held accountable to stay in His Word, every day. The blessing has been for me! I can't imagine going through these last couple of years without this time with Him. Thank You, God, and thank you too!